Four And Where We Are Film Concert? Tempting ~.~

14:30 Nala Mazia 0 Comments

Greetings, all.
Who's exited for FOUR album, and Where We Are concert film? I am! I'm trying to save my money in order to get the album. Yeah, as a directioner, of course we have to support the lads. Therefore, purchasing their legal album is the right thing to do. Uhm, maybe there are some people who prefer downloading the illegal than buying the legal. They may think, "Why spend much money when you can get it for free? Isn't it considered as wasting money?"

 Remember that we have to set the right intention before doing something. Buying official album might be considered as spending money, since it's not a primary need. But, we have to think further. If we don't buy the official album, we'll download the illegal one, which will inflict a financial loss for the artists. It means we'll harm them. In this case, buying their album is necessary, to avoid illegal copies. As long as we intend to support the artists, buying official album is a good deed.

FOUR album cover

Now, about the concert film. I've watched the Take Me Home concert film, and I just can't get enough of it. It was well-made. This #1DWWAFILM must be better than Take Me Home, so I can't wait to watch. Unfortunately, it will be for two days only. And worse, it won't be in the cinema near my residence. What should I do? I really want to watch it, but seems like I won't have a chance. Well, maybe I have to be patient and watch the DVD version.
Here I give the film cover, more to entertain myself :(

Don't forget to purchase the legal album! ;)


Nobody Is Perfect. I'm nobody, so I'm Perfect.

17:00 Nala Mazia 0 Comments

Hi, everyone!
How was your last weekend? I'm glad that yours was great, and I'm sorry that your weekend wasn't really good. Well, we can't always expect everything we want to come true. Who knows what we want is not what's best for us. Our life might not be like exactly how we planned, but it'll be exactly how Allah planned for us. And Allah's planning is, of course, the best for us.

No one is perfect, that's true. But, it's not an excuse to be reluctant. Maybe we have someone that's perfect according to our point of view, but it doesn't mean they're perfect, unless you praise them like John Legend song, all your perfect imperfections. If that's the case, then everyone is perfect. But let’s face the reality. Like a Chinese Proverb said; even the best needles are not sharp at both ends.  Or this proverb you might be familiar with; a well-regulated family often gets the accident (we have the similar proverb in Bahasa Indonesia: sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, suatu saat akan jatuh juga). Um, speaking of this proverb, I remember someone who could be an example. You know that MotoGP champion of 2013? Yep, the Smiling Assassin, Baby Alien, Baby Champ, he got those nicknames, whatever you want to call him. He's Marc Márquez, a Spaniard rookie, claimed his world champion title in his first season in MotoGP class when he was only 20. This season, he's been dominating the races. He could claim the first podium ten times respectively. But eventually, he couldn't get the first place on the 11th race. It proved he's not perfect, no matter how amazing he is. And I said that the proverb reminded me of him because he crashed and only finished 15th on the latest race, last Sunday. What a hectic race. No matter how great Marc is, he still got the accident. Haha, literally got the accident. (By the way, his losing was one thing that made my weekend a little bit not satisfactory. Yeah, he's my favourite rider, as you know he's amazing, young, cute, and stuff ♥ xD)

See? Nobody is perfect. Don't say you're nobody, because we all are somebody. Don't ever think of yourself as a perfect person. The only one who's perfect is just the God Almighty, Allah. I'm not perfect too, but I'm always trying to be the best of me. Not to be perfect, as I know I'll never be perfect. One thing that indicates my imperfection is my worldly desire. I'm sad to know the fact that I can be a fangirl easily for good-looking boys (like Zayn, Marc, and more T.T). Yes, it's natural, a girl's instinct, but it's the thing I shouldn't do. Then, I came to a conclusion, more to convince myself: as long as that fangirling stuff doesn't make me fanatic of them, it doesn't matter. I mean, I know the limit of being a healthy fangirl. Haha, it's just an excuse I made for myself. Sorry, I'm just an imperfect girl, that's still learning and trying to be the best person.

Let's be the best people! Together, remind each other, and then we can achieve it. Hope you enjoy your day :)


What's More Precious Than Gemstones?

13:29 Nala Mazia 0 Comments

I'm pleased that many muslimah (Muslim girls) have worn hijab (veil/scarf) nowadays. It seems like the number of veiled Muslim girls is increasing. However, some of us are still unsteady in wearing hijab. So, it's kind of ironic. While I'm pleased to the fact that veiled girls increasing, this other fact makes me concerned. Why won't we persist on wearing hijab?

Well, I'm not a perfect Muslim. I'm trying to be, but I know I'm still far from one. I share my thoughts here not to be imperative or patronizing, but to embrace you girls to learn together. I'm just very sad to know some of our sisters take off their hijab, and put it on again sometimes. Or worse, they wear immodest clothes instead. As a sister of those Muslim girls, I feel embarrassed for them and sad at once.

Hey beautiful ladies, don't you see that you're too precious to show your body to those who aren't eligible for you? Let's read again what Muhammad Ali said to his daughters about this (also read: Just Tryna Be Better).
"... everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them. Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too."

It's more alarming that this phenomenon happens around me in Indonesia, where wearing hijab is no longer a problem. While in other countries where Muslims are just a minority, they've been persistent to wear hijab. Such an ironic, but this is the fact.

Girls, have you got the point? I hope you get the light, and find the better way. If you haven't worn hijab, start now. If you're veiled already, be persistent. If you've been persistently wearing hijab, make sure you dressed appropriately as Allah ordered. If you've been doing so, keep doing, and always improve yourself.

Let's cover our beautiful body! Remember, we are far more precious than gemstones! :)


Let's Be An Ideal Muslim!

16:54 Nala Mazia 0 Comments

Hi, guys! I've been updating this blog lately since I have leisure time after attending lectures, and I've got inspirations thereafter. Okay, this time, let me share what I got today in religion class. Of course this class is different with the one in high school. Yes, it's religion class in college.

I wanna persuade you to be an ideal Muslim. Well, I'm not an ideal Muslim, not yet. But I'm trying to be. Nobody said it was easy. You and I are the same at this point; we're learning how to be an ideal Muslim. So, HOW to be an ideal Muslim? A good question. One thing we have to do is understand Al Qur'an and Hadith. Reading the translation on our own won't be enough. We have to learn with the experts. Because the Quran needs interpretation, we won't get the point just by reading the translation. But of course understanding isn't enough. The most important thing is we have to practice what we got from Quran and Hadith.

Next, how do we know if we're practicing correctly? Another good question. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is our role model, for sure. But, my lecturer said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is beyond the ordinary people, so let's see at how the ordinary people practiced Quran and Hadith. Let the sahabah (companions) be your reference. Sahabah are also ordinary people like we are, but they were able to be the best Muslims. Try to read articles or books about the companions, and figure out their good deeds regarding to Quran and Hadith. Try to imitate those good deeds in your daily life.

After knowing the truth, and modelling the right people, the next thing to do is dakwah and tabligh (persuade and deliver) the truth we've known. Those prior two points are for our own selves, while this one is for others. Muslims are all family, one big family. We need to remind each other about Islam, so we'll be happy together in heaven. That way, we are showing our love and care toward them.

Oh and here's a fun fact: in 24 hours a day, we can actually do our daily activities based on sunnah.
For example, we eat using the right hand while sitting, not blowing our meal even though it's hot, eat all up without any leftover, and so on. There are simple things considered as sunnah, which sometimes are ignored. From now on, let's get used to these good little things.

One more thing, to be an ideal Muslim, we need a process. We may move like a snail; slowly but making progress. No one expects us to be an ideal Muslim in a blink of eyes.

How can I do those things?
Well, start from YOURSELF. Start by doing LITTLE THINGS (this makes me remember about One Direction's song, Little Things, one of my favourites. Ouch, sorry this is out of topic. Ignore this distraction :p)
When should I start?

So, what are you waiting for?