What's in A Name

17:42 Nala Mazia 0 Comments

I had my first lecturing today, and here's what I got.

Do you know what the meaning of your name is? You might think of it as unimportant thing to do. What's in a name? Who cares? Hey, don't get it wrong! A name is a prayer, a hope. You better know it, unless you don't know yourself.

Let me tell you my name's meaning. Nala Mazia. It was taken from Arabic. Nala means giving. Mazia means speciality. So, my full name means the one who's given speciality. It's short, and simple. Nevertheless, it has an incredible meaning. Incredible, I say, as it scopes large sense. Like everything good is there. My name's meaning is complete. Special has no boundaries, right? Special can be meant anything. 

Does it affect me? Yes. I'd say it clearly. YES. The positive power hidden in my name has been working. I'm special. At least to my parents, and family. When I got every little fortune, I know it was due to a lot of factors, including my name. Because, once more, it's a prayer. The thing is, my name has been taking part in my life. Know your name's meaning, and feel it's working.

Despite my pride, I used to be unthankful of having such a name. But it was years ago, when I was a kindergarten student. That time, I hate my short name. My friends had at least three words for their name, but I got only two. Mine was the shortest. Moreover, it didn't sound beautiful to my little ears. I cried, wanted my name to be changed.

As I grow up, and I can actually think, I realized how great my name is. My parents picked it for a good reason. They want me to be granted a speciality; they want me to be special. Then I can see it works. I will be even more special than I am today. Now, my name sounds very beautiful for me, since I know the great meaning behind. Yes, I'm thankful for having this beautiful name. Disliking my name was just a stupid thought of toddler me. I'm proud to be named Nala Mazia.

What about you? Find out your name's meaning now, and be grateful for having a beautiful name! :)